Rathma by Panjoool

Sometimes an artist just falls into your lap; other times you have to go out and look for it. This is one of those cases where I had to look.

Searching for an artist

Around the launch of Awaken the Three, I started looking around for artists, since I have zero artistic ability of my own but absolutely love seeing representations of my characters.

I subscribe to a few art accounts on Instagram, and one of them is FantasyDaily, a conglomeration of some of the best fantasy pieces out there by digital artists today. I scrolled through the feed and sent messages to a few of the artists that I really liked — and as luck would have it, a few of them responded.

Finding the right one

While I got messages back from a few of the artists I reached out to, one of them in particular stood out to me: an artist named Panji, who goes by the handle Panjoool.

Panji had a few pictures grace the pages of FantasyDaily, and for good reason — the guy is an insanely talented artist.

I was definitely interested in his take on some of my characters, so (after some negotiating)  he agreed to draw Rathma for me, a character featured heavily in Awaken the Three, as well as being the first new character to be introduced.

I sent him the chapter with his character description as well as a scene that featured him in action.

What he sent back a few days later made my jaw drop…


I was absolutely floored. Not only was it an incredible piece of digital art, but he followed the character description right down to the smallest details — those daggers hidden in his leather bracers weren’t Panji’s idea; they were mine! He knocked it out of the park.

You can check out more of his work here, or see the piece on his DeviantArt here

Would you like to see more art by Panji? Leave a comment below!

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