Gift of the Shaper: Updates and Reflections

Previously, on Gift of the Shaper

If you’ve been following my Facebook posts, you’ll know that I started doing a YouTube series for readings from Gift of the Shaper. It’s my latest attempt to try and add more dimensions to the book by giving you access to my thoughts behind characters and my process for writing it. Since we live in an age of open communication, I felt that this was really the best way to bring the characters to life, and to let you (as the reader) get a better glance into what I (as the author) was thinking. If you’re interested, check it out!

Beyond Gift of the Shaper

There are some of you out there who have already finished the book. (They exist! Just check the Amazon reviews). Well, for those of you in that elite club, I have some great news for you:

I’m very close to finishing the first draft of the sequel.

I can’t reveal too much about it for the sake of spoiling the first book for those who can’t read as fast as you, *cough*, but I will say this:

(1) A large part of the book takes place beyond the Wastes,

(2) A new character is introduced, Rathma, who has a very substantial role in the new book, and

(3) I’ve just written the 53rd chapter (by my count) of the new book. (For comparison purposes, Gift of the Shaper has 56 chapters and an epilogue).

So take from that what you will, but the TL;DR is that I could soon have a second book under my belt.

Reddit Fantasy to the Rescue

I’m happy to announce that I’m going to be the featured author on /r/Fantasy/ on April 30th! I’ve never been a featured anything before, so if you want to swing by and say hi, feel free. I can almost certainly guarantee that I’ll acknowledge you 😉 And, if you’re unfamiliar with Reddit, that means you’re probably my mom. Hi mom! Click the link. Love, your son.

What’s in a Name?

One last thing before I go.

I’m torn between two titles for the sequel and I was hoping for some input. So, without giving anything away as far as plot goes, which one do you think would be a better title for a book:

Three, Awaken


Awaken the Three

If you have a strong opinion on this (or, really, any opinion at all), leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you.


Upcoming Books

Days of the Dark (Book 3, draft) 100%
Days of the Dark (editing/rewrite) 100%
Air Dancer (draft) 10%

Featured Book


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