April 2019 book tour and audiobook updates

April has been my busiest month since Gift of the Shaper launched, and that is saying a lot. But after all was said and done, it was exhausting but amazing. I couldn’t be happier. Let’s get into exactly why I’ve just about had enough of commercial flights and hotels.

HeartThreads presents…

More people have seen the following article than have ever been to my website, so I feel like I’m not telling you anything new by saying that the guys at HeartThreads did an amazing video and article on me that was featured around the country.

I was absolutely speechless when I saw the finished product and the HeartThreads team did an astounding job — up to and including the original animation that they included!

Walkin’ in Memphis

Even though most people would have told me to spread things out, I clearly did not listen as I had an interview on Memphis’s Live at 9 segment where I talked about my story and what brought me here. And, as is the case with live TV, it was posted the same day that it came out — which just so happened to be the same day that the HeartThreads feature came out. It was an embarrassment of riches to be sure, but I could not have been happier.

Check out the full segment here!

Audiobook progress and how to win a free copy

Despite the fact that I jumped the gun and declared the audiobook complete, I did, in fact, jump the gun. The audio is recorded but it turns out that I had to do a few re-shoots for some lines that I botched — not a huge deal, but it definitely leads to a delay in getting it submitted to Audible.

The good news is that there is still time to win an advanced copy! If you’ve got an Instagram account already, you’re basically guaranteed a victory. But I am truly optimistic about the status of the audiobook and I hope to see it available via Audible before the end of May.

If you want me to let you know when it comes out, all you have to do is sign up for my newsletter and I will tell you myself!

Awaken the Three (Book 2 in the HIGHGLADE series)

If you missed the announcement that I’ve finished the first draft of Book Two, I have some good news for you: I’ve finished the draft of Book Two!

Now that my book tour is complete, I expect to focus entirely on getting the book ready for publication. I have a lot of feedback from beta readers to go through, but once that is complete I am going to move forward with the next step. Wish me luck!

And if you’re interested in an early advanced copy, let me know. All I would ask in return is that you write a comment or review for Amazon when it is officially available. That kind of stuff really does help!

That’s all, folks

I think that’s everything for this month. I told you it was busy! If you’ve stuck with me this far, thank you. It amazes me that some people still want to hear what I have to say after all this time. If you want to keep that trend going, you can always sign up for the newsletter for the really important announcements.


Upcoming Books

Days of the Dark (Book 3, draft) 100%
Days of the Dark (editing/rewrite) 100%
Air Dancer (draft) 10%

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